Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Red Ribbon Week!

Dear Parents/Guardians,
     We are celebrating our annual Red Ribbon Week October 23-27 to encourage students to live drug free lives. We are also holding a food drive during Red Ribbon Week to help maintain our district’s Operation Backpack program, which provides non-perishable food items to children who many not have enough food over the weekends.  The list of daily dress up themes and can food items needed from each grade level are below.  The grade level with the most items requested for their grade will win a free recess with Ms. Ermer, the school counselor. 

Daily Dress Up Themes

Monday, Oct.23: I am a “Jean-ius” for being drug free! (Jeans day)
Tuesday, Oct.24: Living drug free is a dream! (Pajamas day, but bring proper shoes for recess/P.E.
Wednesday, Oct.25: “Sock” it to drugs! (Crazy sock day)
Thursday, Oct. 26: Living drug free is no sweat! (Sweat pants/sweat shirts)
Friday, Oct. 27We are “RED-DY” to live drug free lives! (Wear red clothing)

Grade Level Food Drive Items

Preschool/KindergartenCanned Corn
First GradeCanned Green Beans
Second GradeChicken Noodle Soup
Third GradeTomato Soup
Fourth GradeCanned or boxed pasta (raviolis, spaghettios, mac&cheese)

Friday, October 20, 2017

Smoke Trailer

The Fire Department came to talk to us about fire safety. We learned how to prevent fires within our homes and how to safely exit a home if a fire does start. We practiced doing this in a trailer that simulates a real fire. 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

House Building Challenge

Image result for house plans

The students have started a new project in math. They are architects and building a new house for Mrs. Jones. She has very specific requests on the total square footage of her house and what rooms she wants included. They are coming up with house plans and making sure the square footage of their rooms is appropriate. Stay tuned to see what they come up with!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Don't Be a Monster

The 4th grade students went to an assembly titled "Don't Be A Monster" 
It discussed bullying and how common it has become. We learned ways to stand up to bullies and help others who are being bullied. Then we got to meet the star of the assembly, Frank. 

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Weldon Spring Field Trip

We had such a fun time on our field trip to Weldon Spring. We learned about the history of the site and got to climb the rock mountain. We also discussed food chains and different types of soil. It was a perfect kickoff to our Life Science Unit.